

  • 作者
  • 中国疾病预防控制中心慢性非传染性疾病预防控制中心 编著


  • ¥78.00

ISBN: 978-7-122-42453-2

版次: 1

出版时间: 2023-01-01









1.中国疾病预防控制中心慢性非传染性疾病预防控制中心组织专家编写。 2.本报告尽量采用简明清晰的图表形式,集中介绍2015—2020年通过全国性监测和调查获得的主要慢性病数据 3.也介绍了我国慢性病防控的政策要点分析以及具有代表性的慢性病防控项目进展。 4.可供公共卫生领域专业人员、政府及相关部门工作人员、健康政策制定者以及关心慢性病防控与健康的各界人士阅读参考。也可供国际交流。


“Noncommunicable diseases” (referred to as chronic diseases or NCDs hereafter) is an umbrella term for a large group of diseases that are characterized by gradual onset, long duration, and slow progression. A resolution made at the Third UN High-level Meeting on Noncommunicable Diseases in 2018 divides chronic diseases into five major categories: cardiovascular diseases, chronic respiratory diseases, cancer, diabetes, and mental health conditions.
Chronic diseases are a major global public health problem; they are the leading causes of death worldwide. Official data from the World Health Organization (WHO) show that cardiovascular diseases, cancer, chronic respiratory diseases, and diabetes claim a combined 41 million lives each year, corresponding to 71% of the total deaths worldwide. Fifteen million of these deaths occur in people aged 30-69 years. The heavy burden of chronic diseases on economic and social development has collectively made them a major public health challenge that requires a global response.
Due to industrialization, aging, urbanization and globalization, and rapid lifestyle changes (particularly in urban residents), China faces an increasingly daunting challenge posed by chronic diseases. Data from the Disease Surveillance Points System indicate that ~10,823,000 people died nationwide in 2019; 9,574,000 (88.46%) died from chronic diseases. The leading chronic diseases causing death in China are cancer (27.23%), heart diseases (26.86%), cerebrovascular diseases (25.07%), chronic respiratory diseases (9.95%), and endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases (3.22%).
Despite their serious impacts, chronic diseases are, in some part, preventable and controllable. Numerous studies both domestically and internationally have proven that chronic diseases share some preventable and controllable risk factors, the most important of which are tobacco use, unhealthy diet, physical inactivity, alcohol overconsumption, and environmental pollutant exposure. Taking effective measures to reduce these modifiable risk factors as early as possible will promote prevention and control of chronic diseases, slowing their increasing prevalence.
The Chinese government has long placed great importance on prevention and control of chronic diseases. At the National Conference on Hygiene and Health, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that “we should advocate a healthy and civilized lifestyle, establish the concept of ‘One Health’, and shift the focus on treatment of diseases to the focus on people’s health”. To implement strategies in the spirit of this goal and to strengthen evidence-based decision-making and practical support for chronic disease prevention and control, the National Center for Chronic and Noncommunicable Disease Control and Prevention (under the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention) has organized experts to compile this technical report.
This report is oriented towards professional readers. Using diagrams that we have made as concise and clear as possible, it presents data related to major chronic diseases of public concern. These data were obtained through national surveillance and surveys during the 13th Five-Year Plan period. The report introduces key points of the policies for chronic disease prevention and control and presents representative chronic disease prevention and control projects in China. The goal is to provide useful information as efficiently as possible for policy-makers, practitioners, and researchers in the field of chronic disease prevention and control. The classification of chronic diseases in the report is based on the WHO International Classification of Diseases 10th Revision (ICD-10), with slight differences in specific names and categories due to the varying criteria used in surveillance and surveys. We thank the readers for your understanding if there are any deficiencies due to time constraints.
Health is the foundation of both individuals and nations. The blueprint for building a healthy China has been drawn, and chronic disease prevention and control play essential roles in turning the blueprint into reality. We believe that with the concerted efforts of all, systems in place to prevent and control chronic diseases will continue to be strengthened, and the target of a healthy China will be achieved as soon as possible.


中国疾病预防控制中心慢性非传染性疾病预防控制中心(以下简称“慢病中心”) 成立于2002年1月23日,是中国疾病预防控制中心(以下简称“中国疾控中心”)的直属单位。慢病中心是中国疾控中心领导下的慢性病与伤害预防控制专业机构,是全国慢性病和伤害预防控制业务技术指导中心。主要工作职能包括:协助卫生部开展慢性病和伤害预防与控制政策法规拟定和政策咨询;全国重大慢性病预防和伤害预防控制工作计划、预防控制策略和技术规范拟定与组织实施;国家慢性病预防和伤害监测系统建设与数据库建立;全国性居民健康状况及重大慢性病和伤害专题调查;对省级慢性病预防控制机构开展业务指导;开展相关科学研究、信息采集、分析、综合利用与业务培训。




Ⅰ Epidemiological Characteristics of Major Chronic Diseases and Related Factors
(Ⅰ)Causes of death: status and trends? 002
1. Proportion of total deaths caused by chronic diseases? 002
2. Overall and specific mortality rates from chronic diseases? 003
3. Distribution of specific chronic diseases causing death? 004
4. Trends in chronic disease mortality rates over time? 004
5. Geographic distribution of deaths due to major chronic diseases? 005
(Ⅱ)Chronic disease prevalence: status and trends? 007
1. Overweight and obesity? 007
2. Hypertension? 008
3. Diabetes? 009
4. COPD? 011
5. Osteoporosis? 012
6. Oral hygiene? 013
7. Mental health? 014
(Ⅲ)Social determinants of chronic diseases: status and trends? 014
1. Gross domestic product (GDP)? 014
2. Total health expenditure? 015
3. Urbanization? 015
4. Aging? 016
(Ⅳ)Lifestyle factors related to chronic disease? 017
1. Diet and nutrition? 017
2. Tobacco use? 018
3. Alcohol consumption? 019
4. Physical activity? 020

Ⅱ Overview of Major Policies for Chronic Disease Prevention and Control
(I)List of key documents (2015-2021)? 021
(II)Excerpts from key policy documents? 022
1. Law of the People’s Republic of China on Basic Medical and Health Care and the Promotion of Health? 022
2. Outline of the 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-2025) for National Economic and Social Development and the Long-Range Objectives through the Year 2035? 024
3. Outline of the Healthy China 2030 Plan: chronic disease prevention and control? 029
4. “5×5” Strategy for Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases? 036

Ⅲ Analysis of Key Points: Related Indicators of Major NCDs
(I)Major NCDs? 037
1. Cardiovascular diseases? 037
2. Cancer? 040
3. Chronic respiratory diseases? 042
4. Diabetes? 044
5. Mental health ? 046
(II)Key population groups? 048
1. The elderly? 048
2. Women and children? 051
3. The occupational population? 055
(III)Main risk factors?/057
1. Diet and nutrition? 057
2. Tobacco use and alcohol consumption? 060
3. Physical activity? 062

Ⅳ Main Actions for Prevention and Control of NCDs
(I)Consolidating the monitoring system? 064
(II)Building National Demonstration Areas for Comprehensive Prevention and Control of NCDs? 066
(III)Advancing the China Healthy Lifestyle for All 
(CHLA)? 068
(IV)Consolidating publication of health information? 069
(V)Strengthening NCDs management? 070
1. Management of patients with diabetes? 070
2. Management of patients with hypertension? 071
(VI)Expanding projects on strokes? 071
(VII)Increasing tobacco control? 073
1. Implementation of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control? 073
2. World No Tobacco Day Initiative? 074
(VIII)Reducing salt intake through intensive efforts? 075
(IX)Promotion of oral health? 077
1. Nationwide actions? 077
2. Interventions for high-risk groups? 078
(X)Exploring self-management in patients with NCDs? 078
(XI)Actively addressing health issues in the elderly? 079
1. Health management of the elderly? 079
2. Prevention and intervention of key diseases in the elderly? 079

V Prospects
