

  • 作者
  • 谢晓英、张琦、周欣萌、刘晶 著

城市景观营造从来就是系统工程,是多专业合作的一体化研究与实践。本书以“北京城市副中心景观设计”这一大型案例为依托,探索在城市公共空间的景观设计中,将景观设计与交通、水利、市政、环保、信息化设施综合考虑、统筹安排的设计方法,以达到节约高效利用土地与资源,实现社会、经济、生态、美学等多层次综合效益的最大化的目的。 本书生动地展示“北京城市副中心景观设计”项目从...

  • ¥98.00

丛书名: 风景融入日常生活

ISBN: 978-7-122-42595-9

版次: 1

出版时间: 2023-03-01









在此过程中,我们始终秉持 “风景融入日常生活”的设计理念,秉持对情境中人的关照的设计初心,珍视地域人群共有的文化传承,重视景观设计的社会学功能。我们所追求的最终目标是运用专业手段协调人与环境的关系,缓解人的生存压力,守护“活力基因”,建立良性可持续的生活方式,激发民众活力和场地生产力,提升场所中人的幸福感与归属感。不着痕迹地浸润,自然而然地介入,经由改善城市生态改善人们的生存状态,重塑其对环境的感知。这种似无为的有为,正是我们不懈追求的境界。


Modern urbanization emphasizes comprehensive improvements in the quality of urban construction and a transformation from incremental planning to stock and reduction planning, by pursuing the economical, intensive, prudent and efficient use of urban land, so as to solve complex urban challenges.
Since the 21st century, urban development has gradually shifted away from a traditionally crude and outward-looking model to a more concentrated and reflective model, which reflects the growing concerns people have about the quality and livability of cities. As a physical space and natural ecology, the layout, quality and functions of urban green spaces are an important factor in determining the quality of a city. However, with the acceleration of urbanization, the available land resources in high-density cities are becoming more and more limited, and cities are facing increasingly serious environmental and ecological problems due to growing populations, of which one of the manifestations is the continuous squeezing and encroachment of urban green space.
In September 2015, the United Nations Sustainable Development Summit officially adopted 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which aim to thoroughly address the three dimensions of development-social, economic and environmental-in an integrated manner. One of the development goals for cities is “to build inclusive, safe, risk-resilient and sustainable cities and human settlements”. In this context, the construction of urban green spaces, which integrate humanistic and natural elements with municipal projects, play an important role in improving urban environments and urban livability, achieving reductions in carbon emissions, and promoting sustainable urban development in the context of stock and reduction planning. Guided by this concept, urban construction pays greater attention to the rational and efficient use of resources and ensuring harmony between human beings and nature, thus promoting the virtuous development of society.
With more than twenty years of landscape design and planning experience, we are constantly exploring ways to maximize integrated functions into landscape design as a medium for the advancement of society. We are committed to bridging professional boundaries and pursuing a “borderless” paradigm of cooperation, connecting urban features and the natural environment with peoples daily lifestyles, needs, perceptions and behaviors, promoting the integration and development of composite functions of urban organisms, and expanding the domain of landscape design.
Landscape planning and integrated design is a solution that takes into account the surrounding environment, timeframe, and people. It is a new model for the innovative construction of urban green infrastructure, which considers the overall spatial and functional structure of a city, the integration of urban green spaces, urban infrastructure, and cultural services, and their relation with the actual needs of users, under the premise of clarifying the site’s innate characteristics in accordance with local conditions, and the integration of transportation, energy, ecological restoration and other municipal initiatives within the scope of landscape design. It both adapts to the needs of urban functions and avoids further damage to the existing urban ecology from excessive construction. Based on this premise, it explores the maximum potential for integrating functions related to landscape planning and design, and the integration of social, economic, ecological, cultural and aesthetic benefits.
Throughout this process, we consistently uphold the design concept of “integrating landscapes into daily life”, with the core value of caring for people in these contexts, cherishing the value of cultural heritage, and attaching importance to the sociological function of landscape design. Our ultimate goal is to use professional methods to reconcile the relationship between people and their environment, alleviate the pressures of human existence, and ensure an overall dynamism, so as to establish healthy and sustainable lifestyles, stimulate peoples vitality and productivity, and enhance a general sense of happiness and belonging in those who wish to “abide”. It is a natural response to endeavor to reshape peoples living conditions and the perception of their environment by revitalizing the surrounding urban ecology. This approach of “affecting change unseen” is precisely the goal we relentlessly pursue.
This book focuses on the landscape design practices of the View Unlimited design team and their application in the planning of the Beijing Municipal Administrative Center Pilot Start-up Area. It retraces the design teams process, starting more than ten years ago with the landscape design of the Bolong Lake Economic Zone Complex (a new urban area construction project) and the landscape planning and design of Jiefang South Road in Tianjin (an organic urban regeneration project). For various reasons, these two projects could not be fully implemented but their design concepts have been adopted and continued, ultimately resulting in the realization of the Beijing Municipal Administrative Center Pilot Start-up Area.
The purpose of compiling this book is to offer a summary before embarking on a new journey. It is a collection of the harvests from regrets, the records of our growth, and the expectations we have for ourselves moving forward.

View Unlimited Landscape Architecture Studio, China Academy of Urban Planning and Design
October 2022


2000- 成立北京蝶梦景观设计有限公司。
2004- 成立无界工作室 即中国建筑设计研究院陈一峰工作室与中国。城市建设研究院(原中国建设部城市建设研究院)谢晓英景观设计工作室合作 。






北京城市副中心行政办公区先行启动区景观设计	 001
01 北京城市副中心行政办公区景观专项规划	 004
02 北京城市副中心行政办公区先行启动区环境景观设计	 008
03 北京城市副中心行政办公区先行启动区林荫路网专项设计	 048
04 北京城市副中心行政办公区镜河河道景观专项设计	 062

天津渤龙湖经济区综合体景观设计	 141
天津渤龙湖经济区综合体景观设计	 142

天津解放南路地区景观规划及公园设计	 153
01 天津解放南路地区景观专项规划	 155
02 天津解放南路地区中央绿轴(都市绿洲)城市公园设计	 156
03 天津解放南路地区起步区公园景观设计	 169

后记	 178
